Friday, February 14, 2020

Discuss how recent changes in the law may impact on the tourism and Essay

Discuss how recent changes in the law may impact on the tourism and hospitality industry - Essay Example A series of constraints can appear causing severe delays to the completion of the relevant projects. Current paper focuses on the effects of law on the airline industry – emphasis is given on the aviation law of UK – as influenced from the European Union law. It is concluded that the update of legal rules related – either directly or indirectly – to the airline industry has affected the performance of the specific industrial sector. The character of the relationship between this industry and the law cannot be clearly specified – being characterized by benefits and drawbacks. However, despite the delays that the changes in the law have caused to the development of airline industry – in the context described below – still, it is necessary that the relevant measures are supported both by the entrepreneurs and the public. After a transition period, the benefits of these initiatives will be made clear – even if currently the introduction of the relevant legal rules is not fully justified. The needs of various industries in regard to their regulation can be differentiated. The characteristics of each industry and the level of its interaction with the public are usually of high importance in order to decide on the form of the regulatory framework developed for the particular sector. Under these terms, the needs of each industry in terms of law are defined by the following criteria: a) the position of the industry within the local economy, b) the structure of the operational activities of the industry’s firms, c) the practices followed in regard to the regulation of similar industries in the context of the international community, d) the rules developed by international bodies and which are binding for a specific industrial sector – for instance the rules of the European Union which need to be promoted within all member states. In the case of the airline industry, the elements of the legal framework used for the

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